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An eco-friendly product that talks about environmental hormones and environmental standards that don't have to worry about hospital house syndrome

Product P.P - a product specializing in architectural film and finishing material based on P.P (polypropylene). Since it uses olefin resin (PP), it does not use DOP (plasticizer) and heavy metals, and it is a PP product with crystallinity of formaldehyde emissions obtained from adhesives used in the manufacture of MDF or P / B used in the past. Used to suppress release during overlapping or lapping.

The price is cheap and the hardness is superior to HDPE. It has the advantage that it is used for various purposes as a product of single thickness and without burden of stock for each standard.


  • Eco friendly

    It is suitable for safe use in children’s environment from harmful substances such as formaldehyde.

  • Chemical resistance

    (Acid alkali, chemical fuel) Excellent electrical insulation. It is non-toxic and has excellent heat resistance, so it does not distort heat much.

  • Durability

    Due to the nature of plastic, it is resistant to moisture.
    If it has high heat resistance, it has excellent abrasion resistance.

  • Product stability

    P.P product is a stable sheet without wear and deformation of the product at high and low temperatures.

  • Abrasion resistance

    The surface has a special coating to protect the surface from scratches and dirt and has excellent impact resistance.

  • Accelerate weather resistance

    This is a product that has excellent weather resistance against wear and yellowing caused by strong indoor lighting and external ultraviolet rays.

Product Structure Chart

*The thickness is mainly about 0.08 mm ~ 0.60 mm, and the product can be manufactured up to 1500 mm.
